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By someone's recommendation, I had the pleasure of working with Rob at Kitchen N Bathroom Designs. I walked in, told him what I was looking for, he designed it on the spot, and I now have exactly what I was looking for installed. Professional, very responsive (very important to me), and quality cabinets. If you are having a hard time deciding who to chose for any kind of cabinets in your home, I suggest going to Kitchen N Bathroom. Look no further!!

AD | Franklin Lakes, NJ

I cannot thank Rob again for all of his help. He did an amazing job designing our new kitchen. He answered all of our questions and gave me the kitchen of my dreams. The quality is amazing & completely exceeded my expectations. Everyone is obsessed with my kitchen .. 1000% Kitchen N Bathroom Design is the only place to go!

RF | Wyckoff, NJ

I had a great experience working with this company. Rob is amazing, very helpful, and responsive. I will definitely be recommending this company to all my family and friends. Any questions I had he was available to answer right away. The kitchen is stunning. Got a great deal remodeling my kitchen with him in my first home and will definitely be going back to him in the future when I move!

TS | Totowa, NJ

Recently worked with Rob L at Kitchen N Bathroom Design to remodel our kitchen. He provided great suggestions to enhance the layout and functionality of our kitchen. The cabinets were delivered on time in perfect condition. The installer Wayne was very professional and made sure the install was perfect. He is a true craftsman. Would definitely use them again and recommend to friends.

SK | Fairfield, NJ

Robert L. was extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the field of cabinetry and design. He was very patient, attentive to detail, easy to contact, punctual, and answered all my questions. His designs are extremely accurate and have never had any issues when dealing with "Kitchen N Bathroom Design". He enjoys designing and will design as many cabinet plans as you wish to fit your style. I can say from personal experience I am greatly satisfied with the professional work of Kitchen N Bathroom Design and will continue to work with Robert in the future. His dedication in providing the best product is unmatchable.

EF | Way, NJ

A kitchen is a large purchase and it really helps to work with someone who knows what they are doing.. From the design process, to product knowledge, to the installation, Robert and his sub contractors make it look easy! Highly recommend.

DL | Rutherford, NJ

Dealing with Rob was such a pleasure. Great selection and an even better knowledge of his products. My kitchen looks great and I have him to thank!

PD | Phil Doremus

Your First Choice for Custom Bath and Kitchen Renovations

Call Us Today (973) 277-0778